Schema Manager -------------- This manager is intented to provide a few helpers for those who wish to explore the schema. This is useful to find paths that can be used to get and set attributes for XNAT datatypes (see documentation on attributes). However this helpers are far from perfect and do not provide all the paths, and all the paths that are provided are not valid. Addictional documentation on attributes paths is available here: The first things to do when using this manager is to add a schema. There is currently no way to guess the URLs of the schema so this is a manual step. For example to add the core XNAT schema, the following calls are equivalent: .. code-block:: python >>> central.manage.schemas.add('xnat/xnat.xsd') >>> central.manage.schemas.add('xnat.xsd') .. note:: it is better to use a full path to the schema, so the first call is preferred to the second. To remove a schema from the manager: .. code-block:: python >>> central.manage.schemas.remove('xnat.xsd') You can look manually at the datatypes from schema using the :func:`~pyxnat.inspect.schemas` methods, but the preferred way is to call the :class:`~pyxnat.EObject.attrs` methods to list all the attributes relevant to that element. If no schema was added to the manager, the returned list will be empty: .. code-block:: python >>> element.attrs() .. note:: This functionalities will eventually disapear, as it is part of the XNAT roadmap to provide REST services to query the schemas.