Working with Files

Files, containing images or other data are attached to elements with URIs defining a resource level and a file level:

>>> project.resources().files()

Upload Files

Files are uploaded with the insert() method, which is similar to the insert() method but supports different arguments:

>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('T1.nii').insert('/tmp/image.nii')
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('image.nii').insert(
...         '/tmp/image.nii',
...         content='T1',
...         format='NIFTI'
...         tags='image test')


The old put() method is equivalent to insert() and is still working.


The content, format and tags attributes can only be set when uploading the file, and then cannot be modified.

Download Files

Files are downloaded with the get() method. Given no location, a default path in the cachedir will be automatically generated and returned.

>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('T1.nii').get()
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('T1.nii').get('/tmp/test.nii')
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('T1.nii').get_copy()
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('T1.nii').get_copy('/tmp/test.nii')

Get attributes

If attributes were defined they can be retrieved:

>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('image.nii').size()
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('image.nii').content()
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('image.nii').format()
>>> project.resource('NIFTI').file('image.nii').tags()
'image test'