Operating the database

Basic operations

Common operations for EObject objects include creation, deletion and existence checking.

>>> project = central.select.project('my_project')
>>> project.exists()
>>> project.insert()
>>> project.exists()
>>> subject = project.subject('first_subject')
>>> subject.insert()
>>> subject.delete()
>>> subject.exists()


previous versions of pyxnat documentation mentionned create() instead of insert() to create new resources. create() still exists and will probably never be deprecated.

Custom datatypes

REST resources are given a default type when they are created but it is possible to customize it with a type defined in the XNAT XML Schema(s).

>>> experiment.insert(experiments='xnat:petSessionData')
>>> scan.insert(scans='xnat:petScanData')

Multiple creation

It is also possible to create resources without having to create the parent resources first. For example:

>>> subject = central.select('/project/PROJECT/subject/SUBJECT')
>>> subject.exists()
>>> experiment = subject.experiment('EXP')
>>> experiment.exists()
>>> experiment.insert()
>>> subject.exists()
>>> experiment.exists()

Specifiy the datatype on multiple elements in a single statement:

>>> scan = central.select('/project/PROJECT/subject/SUBJECT/experiment/EXP/scan/SCAN'
>>> scan.insert(experiments='xnat:mrSessionData', scans='xnat:mrScanData')

Additional data at creation

Additional fields can be configured at the resource creation. It can be especially useful for datatypes that have some mandatory fields, and thus would not be created if not specified (this is not a best practice for XML Schema writers though). It also enables users to set the resource ID through the REST API instead of just the label (the ID in this case is generated automatically).

Custom ID example:

>>> experiment.insert(experiments='xnat:mrSessionData',

With additional fields:

>>> experiment.insert(**{'experiments':'xnat:mrSessionData',


When using xpath syntax to declare fields, it is mandatory to pass the arguments using a dictionnary because of the / and : characters. And do not forget to expand the dict with the **.

Since you can create different resource levels in a single create call in pyxnat, it is also possible to configure those levels in a single call. For example if the subject for that experiment was not created, you could have specified:

>>> experiment.insert(
...         **{'experiments':'xnat:mrSessionData',
...            'ID':'mr_custom_ID',
...            'xnat:mrSessionData/age':'42',
...            'xnat:subjectData/investigator/lastname':'doe',
...            'xnat:subjectData/investigator/firstname':'john',
...            'xnat:subjectData/ID':'subj_custom_ID'
...           })